OCN NI Level 2 Diploma in Vocational Skills

14.1 Foundations for Learning and Life

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Individual Units

Individual Units
Accessing the Internet L2 4 Credits View
Acoustic Recording Techniques L2 6 Credits View
Active Citizenship in the Community L2 1 Credits View
Applying for Employment L2 3 Credits View
Applying Practical Skills and Techniques in the Arts L2 3 Credits View
Art and Design: Colour Theory and Design L2 3 Credits View
Assisting a Business Meeting L2 3 Credits View
Building Brick and Block Walls L2 2 Credits View
Business Aims and Objectives L2 3 Credits View
Business Location L2 1 Credits View
Capturing and Editing Audio Sequences L2 3 Credits View
Capturing, Editing and Presenting Video Sequences L2 3 Credits View
Career Preparation and Planning L2 2 Credits View
Careers in Building and Construction L2 4 Credits View
Carpentry and Joinery in Practice L2 4 Credits View
Child Development L2 3 Credits View
Child Protection Theory L2 3 Credits View
Children's Social and Emotional Development L2 3 Credits View
Communication Skills for the Individual L2 3 Credits View
Computer Applications in the Arts L2 3 Credits View
Construction Drawing Skills L2 4 Credits View
Contemporary Garment Construction L2 3 Credits View
Cooking Meat, Fish and Vegetables L2 3 Credits View
Creating and Developing Business Ideas L2 1 Credits View
Creative Writing Skills L2 3 Credits View
Customer Care for Outdoor Centre Staff L2 2 Credits View
Customer Service for Business L2 3 Credits View
Customer Service for the Hospitality Industry L2 3 Credits View
Customer Service for the Retail Environment L2 3 Credits View
Design Software Skills L2 4 Credits View
Desktop Publishing Skills L2 4 Credits View
Developing Carpentry Hand Skills L2 3 Credits View
Developing Drawing Skills for Painting L2 3 Credits View
Developing Language and Communication Skills in Children L2 3 Credits View
Developing Physical Theatre Performance Skills L2 3 Credits View
Developing Plastering Techniques L2 3 Credits View
Developing Skills in Drawing Plans and Elevations L2 3 Credits View
Developing Wallpapering Skills L2 3 Credits View
Developing Websites L2 4 Credits View
Digital Photography Skills L2 3 Credits View
Diversity within Society L2 3 Credits View
DJing Skills L2 3 Credits View
Drawing Development Methods and Skills L2 3 Credits View
Effective Interview Skills L2 1 Credits View
Effective Leadership Skills L2 3 Credits View
Employment Legislation, Contracts and Pay L2 2 Credits View
Employment Opportunities within the Hospitality Industry L2 2 Credits View
Environmental Awareness and Sustainability in Construction L2 3 Credits View
Equal Opportunities L2 3 Credits View
Exploring Brickwork Bonding Skills L2 3 Credits View
Exploring Dance Movements L2 3 Credits View
Exploring Ecology and Conservation L2 3 Credits View
Exploring Landscaping and Ornamental Planting L2 3 Credits View
Exploring Materials L2 3 Credits View
Exploring Outdoor Adventure Sports L2 3 Credits View
Exploring Outdoor Pursuits L2 3 Credits View
Exploring Plumbing Practices L2 3 Credits View
Exploring the Leisure Industry L2 3 Credits View
Film and Video Production L2 7 Credits View
Floor and Wall Tiling Skills L2 3 Credits View
Floral Craft L2 7 Credits View
Floristry Skills L2 3 Credits View
Food and Drink Table Service L2 2 Credits View
Food Preparation and Cooking Skills L2 3 Credits View
Fundamentals of IT Communication L2 2 Credits View
Fundamentals of IT Software L2 3 Credits View
Fundamentals of using IT L2 3 Credits View
Growing Fruit and Vegetables L2 3 Credits View
Hair Care: Shampoo and conditioning L2 3 Credits View
Hair Colouring Treatments L2 6 Credits View
Hair Styling Skills L2 3 Credits View
Handling Food Safely L2 2 Credits View
Health and Safety for Catering L2 3 Credits View
Health and Safety in a Working Environment L2 3 Credits View
Health and Safety in Health, Social Care and Early Years Settings L2 3 Credits View
Health and Safety in the Salon Environment L2 2 Credits View
Health and Social Care Awareness L2 3 Credits View
Implement and Evaluate Competition Entries in Education and Training L2 3 Credits View
Improving Assertiveness L2 1 Credits View
Improving Own Confidence, Health and Personal Presentation L2 2 Credits View
Induction Training for Outdoor Centre Staff L2 3 Credits View
Interpersonal Skills for the Individual L2 3 Credits View
Life Drawing L2 3 Credits View
Linear Drawing L2 3 Credits View
Maintaining, Handling and Cleaning knives L2 3 Credits View
Make-up Application Skills L2 3 Credits View
Manicure Treatments L2 3 Credits View
Mental Health, Well-being and Building Resilience L2 3 Credits View
Mobile IT Devices L2 2 Credits View
Musical Ensemble Skills L2 6 Credits View
Musical Theatre Performance Skills L2 3 Credits View
Nail Art Application Skills L2 2 Credits View
Oral Presentation Skills in Practice L2 3 Credits View
Painting Interior Ceilings and Walls L2 3 Credits View
Pedicure Treatments L2 3 Credits View
Performance Improvisation Techniques L2 3 Credits View
Performance Realisation Skills - Performer L2 9 Credits View
Personal Confidence and Self-Esteem L2 3 Credits View
Personal Fitness Programme Planning L2 3 Credits View
Personal Improvement Through Sport L2 3 Credits View
Person-centred Support in Health, Social Care and Early Years Settings L2 3 Credits View
Plan and Cook for Healthy Living L2 3 Credits View
Plan and Deliver an Activity Session at an Outdoor Centre L2 5 Credits View
Planning for Skills Competitions in Education and Training L2 3 Credits View
Practical Baking Skills L2 3 Credits View
Practical Ceramic Skills L2 3 Credits View
Practical Craft Skills L2 3 Credits View
Practical Kitchen Skills L2 3 Credits View
Preparing Hot and Cold Sandwiches L2 2 Credits View
Preparing, Cooking and Finishing Basic Pasta Dishes L2 3 Credits View
Preparing, Cooking and Finishing Basic Soups L2 3 Credits View
Principles of Sports Coaching L2 3 Credits View
Promoting Mental Well-being L2 5 Credits View
Promoting Products and Services in a Salon L2 3 Credits View
Promoting Self-Improvement L2 1 Credits View
Pruning Plants L2 1 Credits View
Responding to First Aid Emergencies for Outdoor Centre Staff L2 1 Credits View
Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship L2 3 Credits View
Routine Motorcycle Maintenance L2 3 Credits View
Routine Vehicle Braking Systems L2 4 Credits View
Routine Vehicle Maintenance L2 3 Credits View
Selecting Plants L2 3 Credits View
Selling Plants L2 3 Credits View
Set Design and Construction Skills L2 3 Credits View
Setting and Achieving Personal Goals L2 3 Credits View
Skills for Conflict Resolution L2 3 Credits View
Skills for Cultivating Compost and Soils L2 3 Credits View
Skills for Decision Making L2 3 Credits View
Skills for Garden Horticulture L2 3 Credits View
Skills for Herb Cultivation L2 3 Credits View
Skills for Listening to Children L2 3 Credits View
Skills for Plant Propagation L2 3 Credits View
Skills in Customer Service L2 3 Credits View
Skin Tanning Application Skills L2 4 Credits View
Study Skills and Learning Styles L2 1 Credits View
Supporting children and young people's play and leisure L2 3 Credits View
Supporting the Physical Needs of Children L2 3 Credits View
Take Part in a Vocational Taster L2 3 Credits View
Taking Part in an Enterprise Project L2 3 Credits View
Tea and Coffee Counter Service L2 3 Credits View
Teamwork Skills in Practice L2 3 Credits View
Teamwork within a Salon Environment L2 1 Credits View
Technical Sound and Audio Production L2 3 Credits View
Technical Theatre Skills L2 3 Credits View
The Photographic Project L2 6 Credits View
The role and responsibilities of the health and social care worker L2 1 Credits View
The Role of Play for Early Learning L2 3 Credits View
The Stages of Intellectual and Language Development of Children from Birth to Eight Years L2 3 Credits View
Time Management Skills L2 2 Credits View
Understand how Exercise Contributes to a Healthy Lifestyle L2 1 Credits View
Understanding Business Structures L2 3 Credits View
Understanding Communication in Health, Social Care and Early Years Settings L2 2 Credits View
Understanding Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care and Early Years Settings L2 2 Credits View
Understanding Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Skills L2 2 Credits View
Understanding Food and Nutrition L2 3 Credits View
Understanding How Children Learn L2 3 Credits View
Understanding How to Assist and Move Individuals in Health and Social Care L2 2 Credits View
Understanding Marketing L2 3 Credits View
Understanding Personal Development in Health, Social Care and Early Years Settings L2 2 Credits View
Understanding Protection and Safeguarding in Health, Social Care and Early Years Settings L2 3 Credits View
Understanding Skin Care L2 3 Credits View
Understanding the Catering Industry L2 3 Credits View
Understanding The Role of Business Planning L2 3 Credits View
Undertaking a Solo Performance L2 6 Credits View
Using a Cropping Environment to Protect Crops L2 3 Credits View
Using Bespoke Software L2 3 Credits View
Using Computerised Accounting Software L2 3 Credits View
Using Craft Activities with Children and Young People L2 3 Credits View
Using Database Software L2 4 Credits View
Using Digital Imaging and Printing Tools L2 4 Credits View
Using Effective Communication Skills in the Workplace L2 3 Credits View
Using Email L2 3 Credits View
Using Grains, Pulses and Dairy Products for Cooking L2 3 Credits View
Using Imaging Software Tools L2 4 Credits View
Using IT to Improve Productivity L2 4 Credits View
Using Mixed Media L2 3 Credits View
Using Multimedia Software L2 4 Credits View
Using Office Equipment and Systems L2 2 Credits View
Using Presentation Software L2 2 Credits View
Using Problem Solving Skills in the Workplace L2 2 Credits View
Using Project Management Software L2 4 Credits View
Using Specialist Software L2 3 Credits View
Using Spreadsheet Software L2 4 Credits View
Using the Internet for Promotion within the Creative Arts L2 3 Credits View
Using Tools and Equipment Within a Motor Vehicle Workshop L2 2 Credits View
Using Word Processing Software L2 4 Credits View
Vehicle Body Repairs L2 6 Credits View
Vehicle Maintenance of Wheels, Tyres, Steering and Suspension Systems L2 6 Credits View
Vehicle Valeting L2 3 Credits View
Working with Valves, Taps and Cisterns in Domestic Plumbing L2 3 Credits View
Working with Woodworking Tools L2 3 Credits View

Advanced Education • Awarding Qualifications

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