OCN NI Level 2 Award in Transversal Skills

14.1 Foundations for Learning and Life

Qualification Code


Qualification Level




Minimum Age


Review Date


Total Qualification Time

60 Hours

Guided Learning Hours

40 Hours

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Qualification Information

This is an OCN NI Traineeship Qualification.The OCN NI Level 2 Award and Certificate in Transversal Skills qualifications are those typically considered as not specifically related to a job, task, academic discipline, or area of knowledge but as skills that can be used in a wide variety of situations and work settings. These skills include the following core domains: • critical and innovative thinking • inter-personal skills e.g., presentation and communication, organisational skills and teamwork • intra-personal skills e.g., self-discipline, enthusiasm, perseverance and self motivation • global citizenship e.g., tolerance, openness, respect for diversity and intercultural understanding • media and information literacy such as the ability to locate and access information, as well as analyse and evaluate media contentIn order to achieve the OCN NI Level 2 Award in Transversal Skills learners must successfully complete 6 credits from any of the units.


Citizenship (F/650/3690)


3 Credits

Digital Literacy (M/650/3695)


3 Credits

Problem-Solving and Decision Making (J/650/3692)


3 Credits

Self-Management (K/650/3693)


3 Credits

Work Professionalism (L/650/3694)


3 Credits

Working with Others (H/650/3691)


3 Credits

For Learners

Available Centres

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