OCN Awards 40,000 Vocational Qualifications to Learners

OPEN College Network Northern Ireland (OCN NI) has just confirmed that it has awarded 40,000 Vocational Qualifications to NI learners during the 2023/24 academic year.

OPEN College Network Northern Ireland (OCN NI) has just confirmed that it has awarded  40,000 Vocational Qualifications to NI learners during the 2023/24 academic year.

OCN CEO Martin Flynn is clear that once again this demonstrates that Vocational Qualifications, such as those offered by OCN, play a vital role in equipping students with practical skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to the workforce. These qualifications are designed to meet the needs of various industries, providing students with a solid foundation for future career success. By offering a diverse range of courses, OCN ensures that students have the opportunity to pursue their passions and interests, fostering a culture of lifelong learning.

With thousands of Vocational Qualifications being awarded this week, at the same time as GCSE’s, Martin also believes that announcing both sets of results on the same day represents a ‘significant step towards parity of treatment’ between GCSE and Vocational learners.

"On behalf of everyone at OCN, I would like to congratulate every student on completing their course, whether that be a GCSE or Vocational Qualification. This moment marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter in your educational journey. Qualifications are more important than ever in today’s rapidly evolving job market, so every student should be immensely proud of what they have achieved.” said Martin Flynn, Chief Executive of OCN.  

“We believe in the power of education to transform lives and open doors to countless opportunities. Awarding 40,000 vocational qualifications to learners for the academic year just past is a significant reflection of our dedication to fostering a skilled and competent workforce that contributes to the growth and prosperity of Northern Ireland.”

“Every August thousands of learners receive their General qualification results, this year once again learners that completed vocational qualifications and intend to continue in education, including further and higher education, or intend moving into training or employment, will receive their results on the same day.

“Every student deserves the chance to move on quickly and smoothly to the next stage of their education journey after working hard to obtain their qualifications – whether they study Vocational Qualifications or GCSE/A Levels or a combination,” he added.

As NI’s leading Professional and Technical Awarding Body, OCN has been steadfast in its mission to ‘develop and award qualifications that engage, enrich and equip learners for life.’

Over the years, OCN has collaborated with a wide network of education and training providers, which include, Schools, Further Education Colleges, Community Organisations, Employers and Private Training organisations and has now established itself as a recognised and trusted awarding body.

The 40,000 vocational qualifications awarded this academic year encompass a diverse range of subject areas, reflecting the varied interests and career aspirations of learners. These qualifications have been meticulously designed to meet the evolving needs of the job market and equip learners with the practical skills and knowledge required to progress in further education and into employment.

OCN's comprehensive range of vocational qualifications spans various subjects, including Business and Administration, Hospitality and Tourism, Health and Social Care, Information Technology, Construction, Creative Industries, and many more. The diversity of offerings caters to learners of all ages and backgrounds, ensuring inclusivity and equal access to education.

In addition to empowering individual learners, OCN’s Vocational Qualifications also benefit local employers by providing them with a pool of skilled professionals who are equipped to meet the demands of the modern workplace. As an awarding body, OCN adheres to rigorous quality standards, ensuring that every qualification awarded is a testament to the learner's competence and proficiency. The organisation remains dedicated to continuous improvement, guided by feedback from learners, educators, and employers.

Economy Minister Conor Murphy said: “I extend my congratulations to the thousands of learners who have successfully completed their qualifications this summer. Your hard work will equip you with the skills and knowledge to both progress your career and contribute to the economy.”

The achievement of awarding 40,000 vocational qualifications this academic year reflects the collective efforts of OCN’s team, the unwavering support of education and training providers, and most importantly, the hard work and dedication of the learners themselves.

OCN remains committed to its vision of ‘a successful, inclusive society where every learner matters’ and this milestone is just the beginning of our commitment to working closely with employers, educational institutions, and other stakeholders to deliver high-quality qualifications and services that meet the changing needs of learners and employers.

For more information about Open College Network Northern Ireland and its Vocational Qualifications, please visit www.ocnni.org.uk

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