OCN NI Level 2 Certificate in Business Administration Skills

15.2 Administration

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Individual Units

Individual Units
Administration Skills within a Medical Environment L2 8 Credits View
Bespoke Software L2 3 Credits View
Business Administration Work Placement L2 3 Credits View
Career Planning in Administration L2 3 Credits View
Communication Skills within a Medical Environment L2 3 Credits View
Computerised Accounting Software L2 3 Credits View
Customer Service and Communication L2 2 Credits View
Database Software L2 4 Credits View
Dealing with Petty Cash and Customer Payments L2 3 Credits View
Decision Making in a Business Environment L2 3 Credits View
Desktop Publishing L2 4 Credits View
Email Software Skills L2 3 Credits View
Handling Diary Systems L2 2 Credits View
Handling Mail L2 2 Credits View
Health and Safety in a Working Environment L2 3 Credits View
Imaging Software Tools L2 4 Credits View
Improving Assertiveness in a Business Environment L2 2 Credits View
Improving Own Confidence, Health and Personal Presentation in a Business Environment L2 3 Credits View
Improving Productivity Using IT L2 4 Credits View
Introduction to Cyber Security L2 2 Credits View
IT Communication Fundamentals L2 2 Credits View
IT Software Fundamentals L2 3 Credits View
IT User Fundamentals L2 3 Credits View
Legal Audio Processing L2 6 Credits View
Legal Word Processing L2 10 Credits View
Making and Receiving Business Calls L2 2 Credits View
Manage Personal Performance and Development L2 4 Credits View
Medical Principles for Administrators L2 9 Credits View
Medical Terminology L2 6 Credits View
Medical Word Processing L2 6 Credits View
Mental Health, Well-being and Building Resilience L2 3 Credits View
Oral Presentation Skills in a Business Environment L2 3 Credits View
Organising Business Meetings L2 3 Credits View
Organising Business Travel and Accommodation L2 2 Credits View
Presentation Software L2 2 Credits View
Problem Solving Skills in Business Administration L2 3 Credits View
Producing Medical Documents from Recorded Speech L2 5 Credits View
Project Management L2 3 Credits View
Project Management Software L2 4 Credits View
Proofreading Legal and Business Documents L2 2 Credits View
Quality Standards and Systems for Business L2 2 Credits View
Remote Working for Business L2 3 Credits View
Reviewing and Developing Office Procedures L2 3 Credits View
Specialist Software L2 3 Credits View
Spreadsheet Software L2 4 Credits View
Supporting Business Meetings L2 3 Credits View
Teamwork in Administration L2 3 Credits View
Time Management in a Business Environment L2 3 Credits View
Understanding Employment Legislation, Contracts and Pay L2 2 Credits View
Understanding Equal Opportunities in the Workplace L2 3 Credits View
Understanding the Role of an Administrator L2 3 Credits View
Use Digital Imaging and Printing Tools L2 4 Credits View
Using Databases in a Legal Environment L2 3 Credits View
Using Office Equipment L2 4 Credits View
Using Office Equipment L2 4 Credits View
Using Social Media to Market Products and Services L2 2 Credits View
Using Spreadsheets in a Legal Environment L2 3 Credits View
Using the Internet L2 4 Credits View
Welcoming and Receiving Visitors to the Workplace L2 2 Credits View
Word Processing Software L2 4 Credits View
Working in a Legal Environment L2 12 Credits View
Working in the National Health Service L2 5 Credits View
Written Business Communications L2 3 Credits View

Advanced Education • Awarding Qualifications

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