OCN NI Entry Level Certificate in Preparation for Employability (Entry 3)

14.1 Foundations for Learning and Life

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Individual Units

Individual Units
Applying Assertiveness and Decision Making Skills E3 3 Credits View
Basic Retail Skills E3 3 Credits View
Calculations and Budgeting with Money E3 2 Credits View
Carrying Out Instructions in the Workplace E3 2 Credits View
Citizenship for the Individual E3 3 Credits View
Completing a Curriculum Vitae E3 1 Credits View
Contribute to Team Activities E3 3 Credits View
Design and Create an Art or Craft Product E3 2 Credits View
Effective Communication Skills in a Workplace E3 2 Credits View
Effective Reading Skills in a Workplace E3 2 Credits View
Effective Writing Skills in a Workplace E3 2 Credits View
Exhibiting an Art or Craft Product E3 2 Credits View
Exploring Diversity within Society E3 3 Credits View
Exploring Enterprise E3 3 Credits View
Exploring Equal Opportunities L1 3 Credits View
Exploring Personal Development E3 3 Credits View
Healthy Eating and Drinking E3 3 Credits View
ICT Skills in a Workplace E3 2 Credits View
Individual Rights and Responsibilities E3 3 Credits View
Induction to College E3 3 Credits View
Interview Skills E3 2 Credits View
Keeping the Retail Work Area Clean and Tidy E3 2 Credits View
Listen and Respond to Information E3 1 Credits View
Number and Money Skills E3 3 Credits View
Presenting Information Using ICT E3 2 Credits View
Skills for Employment E3 3 Credits View
Skills for Learning and Work E3 3 Credits View
Skills for the Workplace E3 3 Credits View
Take Part in a Discussion E3 1 Credits View
Take Part in a Discussion E3 1 Credits View
Time: Reading and Recording E3 10 Credits View
Understanding Food Safety and Storage E3 3 Credits View
Understanding the Importance of Appropriate Workplace Behaviour E3 2 Credits View
Using and Maintaining Tools and Equipment E3 2 Credits View
Using Email E3 1 Credits View
Using Numeracy Skills in the Workplace E3 1 Credits View
Using Transport to and from the Workplace E3 2 Credits View
Working with Others in a Group Activity E3 2 Credits View

Advanced Education • Awarding Qualifications

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