Essential Skills Compliance Reminder
Dear Colleague,
Happy New Year! Thank you for continuing to support OCN NI.
As we start a new year, we would like to remind all centres of the following:
- Essential Skills External Assessment Papers are LIVE and confidential. External assessment papers MUST only be opened by the candidate named on the envelope and are not transferrable to other candidates.
- Only Reasonable Adjustments applied for at the point of assessment scheduling, and approved by OCN NI can be implemented during the external assessment.
Please note that OCN NI are continuing to make unannounced co-invigilation visits.
We are aware of continuing industrial action which may impact candidates sitting Essential Skills Examinations. In line with government guidance, we recommend that centres should review their contingency plans well in advance of exam or assessment scheduling.
Please contact OCN NI as soon as possible if you are expecting any disruption that might affect the sitting of exams and/or assessments.
For further information please see:
Best Regards,
Essential Skills Team