Open College Network Northern Ireland (OCN NI), is a leading awarding organisation in Northern Ireland.
OCN NI has signed a partnership agreement with NOCN to ensure that “credit” based learning and accreditation, with recognition of prior learning, remains part of the education and training system in the UK.
Many people find studying in ‘bite sized’ step-by-step chunks helps them to not only progress more quickly but also increases their confidence. And because they’re gaining qualifications fit for today’s industry needs, they’re also increasing their employability and employment prospects. Employers benefit from this way of learning too.
They get to help support and upskill their workforce, which is especially vital in sectors where there are worrying skills gaps, such as construction, engineering, food production and IT. As employees are only away from their jobs for short periods at a time, any disruption to the ‘day job’ is kept to a minimum.
Martin Flynn, Chief Executive Officer, OCN NI said: “For over a decade OCN NI has worked in partnership with NOCN to formally recognise people’s educational achievements. Together we continue to provide accessible, achievable and high-quality credit-based qualifications, which enable learners to progress into further learning and employment. This collaborative working arrangement has also benefited our centres throughout Northern Ireland by providing access to both OCN NI and NOCN qualifications.”
By joining together to support credit-based learning, the two organisations, that cover the length and breadth of the UK, are showing their support to all learners from across society by offering a way of learning which allows them to progress in work and in life.